Visit a Physical Therapist

General | Jul 19, 2022

Training for a Race and Injured? Here’s What You Need to Know

Whether an Olympic athlete or a casual weekend jogger, a running injury can happen to anyone. Training for your next 5k, 10k, or marathon can quickly go sideways when you suffer an injury. But how do you know when you can continue training for a race or when you need…

Sciatica Causes

General | Jul 17, 2022

Is Physical Therapy Helpful for Sciatica?

What Is Sciatica? Sciatica is a nerve-related pain disorder in which pain radiates from your lower back, down through your hip, and all the way down your leg. This is the path of the sciatic nerve, and pain occurs when its corresponding disc in the spinal column is compressed in…

Diagnosing and Treating Whiplash

General | Jul 17, 2022

What Doctor Should I See for Whiplash?

Whiplash is a common injury that occurs in many circumstances, including during a car accident. In America, over two million people are diagnosed with this condition yearly. You don’t have to be driving at top speeds or be rear-ended to earn a whiplash diagnosis. In fact, you do not have…

Accident Recovery, General | Jul 9, 2022

Top 5 Benefits of Chiropractic for After-Accident Care 

If you have never been in a car accident before, you might not know what to expect physically or mentally. A car accident can leave you feeling sore, stiff, and in pain, whether or not you suffered a serious injury. Even if you don’t end up with a cast or…

What to Expect with Physical Therapy

General | Jul 5, 2022

Most Common Misconceptions About Physical Therapy 

Whether your doctor has recommended you see a physical therapist or a friend told you about their great experience, you might be wondering what exactly physical therapy is and how it can help you. The truth is that physical therapists can help with a wide range of issues and health…

Fractured bone

General | Jun 29, 2022

Fractured vs. Bruised Tailbones

Whether you’ve tripped on a stair or had a run-in with a patch of black ice, most of us have fallen on our bottom at one point or another. While there is natural padding in the area, enough of an impact can cause damage to the bottom of the spine,…

Importance of Hydration in Injury Prevention

General, Injury Recovery | Jun 27, 2022

The Importance of Hydration in Injury Prevention

Did you know that the human body is over 60% water? While you have probably heard about the importance of staying hydrated and drinking water throughout the day, few people get the recommended daily amount. Your body depends on water for so much, from keeping your organs functioning properly to…

Signs of a Stress Fracture 

General | Jun 23, 2022

5 Signs of a Stress Fracture 

A stress fracture, also known as a hairline fracture, refers to a type of broken bone where only a small crack or bruising on the bone occurs. You may have heard of an athlete with a stress fracture, especially those who engage in repetitive movements like running and jumping that…

Signs of Inflammation in the Body

General | Jun 3, 2022

Signs of Inflammation in the Body

Your body activates the immune system to help when you are sick, attack bacteria, heal damaged tissues, and so much more. The immune system sends out your body’s first responders, known as inflammatory cells, to help protect you from injury, infection, or disease. Without inflammation naturally occurring in the body…

Chiropractic Care Boost the Immune System

Chiropractic | Jun 3, 2022

How Does Chiropractic Care Boost the Immune System?

The common cold, the flu, and other illnesses can happen any time of year. Children miss days of school, adults miss days at the office, and families try not to get one another sick. Germs are everywhere, but our bodies have a system in place to help fight them, known…

Shoulder Dislocation Vs. Subluxation

General | May 19, 2022

Shoulder Dislocation Vs. Subluxation

Shoulder injuries are a significant source of pain for many people, and more often than not, those injuries cause other problems in your day-to-day quality of life, from pain management to sleep disturbances. These problems can be improved with the correct treatment, but determining what is proper treatment depends on…


Health and Wellness | Apr 29, 2022

What Does a Physical Therapist Do for Vertigo?

If you’ve ever experienced vertigo, you know that the sensation of spinning can be difficult to manage. When someone experiences vertigo constantly, it can make typical daily activities like driving or even walking difficult, and there is often nothing that can stop an episode once it’s started. The cause of…

How to Sleep When You Have Back Pain

Health and Wellness | Apr 29, 2022

How to Sleep When You Have Back Pain

When you are dealing with back pain, it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Doctors recommend between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night in adults to optimize your physical and mental wellbeing. While the quantity of sleep is important, so is the quality of sleep.…

How Does Chronic Pain Affect Mental Health

Accident Recovery | Apr 29, 2022

How Does Chronic Pain Affect Mental Health?

When most people think of a car accident, they think of physical car accident injuries like whiplash or a broken bone. While many car accident injuries can be treated effectively with prompt medical attention, an injury can also lead to chronic pain when not treated as promptly. One of the…

Can TMJ Be Fixed with Physical Therapy

Accident Prevention | Apr 28, 2022

Can TMJ Be Fixed with Physical Therapy?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the main joint in your jaw. However, TMJ is also used to refer to dysfunction or disorders in this area that can cause pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. People who struggle with grinding or clenching their teeth at night can develop dysfunction of…

10 Signs Your Pinched Nerve Is Healing

Accident Recovery | Apr 27, 2022

10 Signs Your Pinched Nerve Is Healing

A pinched nerve can occur for a wide range of reasons. The symptoms of a pinched nerve can cause extreme discomfort, including pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness. If you have ever had a pinched nerve, then you know how frustrating the experience can be. A pinched nerve can cause shooting…


Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Mar 29, 2022

Broken vs Sprained Toe: How to Tell the Difference

Toe injuries are a common occurrence, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Whether it's an athlete stumbling during a crucial game, a parent inadvertently stubbing their toe while multitasking around the house, or the result of injuries sustained in car accidents, toe pain is an unpleasant experience that can disrupt…


Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Mar 25, 2022

Can Sciatica Cause Groin Pain?

First things first, let's all let ourselves laugh a little over the word "groin." It's a funny word, and it refers to a funny part of the body, so you're allowed to laugh at this article even if it's talking about a serious medical topic. Now, let's get to business:…


General | Mar 11, 2022

How to Cure Frozen Shoulder Quickly

Frozen shoulder is a type of shoulder injury that can cause pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility in your shoulder joint. The medical term for frozen shoulder is adhesive capsulitis, and it refers to when the connective tissues in the shoulder joint become thickened, tight, or inflamed. When it comes to…


Accident Prevention, Accident Recovery | Feb 28, 2022

Snellville Neurologist vs. Neurosurgeon: What You Should Know and neurosurgeons are doctors who specialize in treating health conditions, disorders, and injuries that affect the brain, spine, and nervous system. Whether you see a neurologist or neurosurgeon will depend on what brings you into the office. A neurologist can also refer you to a neurosurgeon when necessary. If…

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