Are Men or Women Better Drivers?

Sep 10, 2021

If you challenge a group of men and women to determine who is the better driver, then you will likely get a mixed response. Millions of people get into car accidents every year and end up requiring treatment and care for an injury. Car accident injuries range from mild to severe, and no man or woman can avoid a specific type of accident or injury. A car accident like whiplash can affect anyone and lead to chronic pain and discomfort if not properly treated. There are many interesting facts and figures about men and women and who makes a better driver. Here are a few interesting facts about men and women drivers so you can determine for yourself who is the better driver:

Interesting Facts about Men and Women Drivers:

  • Men get into more car crashes than women
  • Men are more likely to lose concentration while driving
  • More men admit to being impatient drivers than women
  • Women are more likely to use hands-free devices
  • Women are less likely to get into a serious accident

Car Accident Injuries Can Happen to Anyone

Based on these interesting facts, women are typically safer drivers and get into fewer accidents than men. However, both men and women can suffer a car accident injury and need medical attention. Both men and women may be tempted to brush off a minor car accident as no big deal and skip going to the doctor. This can actually end up being a big mistake because car accident injuries are also known as hidden injuries because of how their symptoms can take hours or days to fully appear. This means it is possible to walk away from a car accident without realizing you have a serious injury. Delayed symptoms can occur when adrenaline is pumping through your body and actually masks your pain.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Cuts, scrapes, and bruises are mild yet common car accident injuries that are easy to spot and treat. However, other car accident injuries that occur inside the body can affect your bones, joints, and soft tissues. Here are some of the most common car accident injuries and their symptoms:


Whiplash is the most common car accident injury because of how the body is affected by the collision. The forcze of impact can cause the head and neck to jolt violently in a forward and backward motion, which can strain the muscles and tendons in the neck. Damage to the soft tissues in your neck can lead to headaches, neck tenderness, pain, stiffness, and soreness. Many people who suffer from whiplash experience difficulty turning their neck from side to side or up and down.

Head Injury

A head injury like a concussion can also occur in a car accident. If you hit your head on part of the vehicle, like the dashboard or steering wheel, then that can cause bruising or even bleeding on the brain. If you experience a concussion, you may have headaches, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Back Injury

Back injuries are common in car accidents because of how much pressure is placed on your back. Muscles support your spine and help you sit up and maintain a healthy posture. When your back muscles are stressed or pressured during an accident, it can cause pain and discomfort. Damage to the spinal cord can also cause pain, tingling, and numbness.

Sprains & Strains

Sprains and strains are soft tissue injuries that affect the muscles, tendons, and ligaments inside the body. These types of injuries can make it difficult to move certain parts of your body without experiencing significant pain and discomfort. Common examples include muscle strains in the neck with a whiplash injury or a sprained wrist.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Car Accident Injuries

Visit a car accident doctor near you to get checked out for any car accident injuries if you’ve been in a wreck. X-rays and CT scans are diagnostic imaging tools that can help your doctor get a clearer picture of the affected area or to rule out other possible injuries. At AICA Orthopedics in Snellville, our team of car accident doctors uses state-of-the-art technologies to determine an accurate diagnosis and inform an individualized treatment plan for you. Learn more about how we help men and women with car accident injuries at AICA Orthopedics.


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